Welcome to NeoCom Simulator

In this simulation, you will be briefly shown a target icon before a set of icons is revealed. Your task is to select the icon that matches the target as quickly as possible. This test is to collect data on whether icons with bold colours are easier to identify than icons with a monochrome design.

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FAQ: (Read after Playing)

What is this?
This is an appeal to CCP to add individual colour pickers for each neocom icon to allow the user to select what colour, if any, the icon should be.

Some people struggle to identify icons based on shape alone and having the ability to set colours for individual icons would improve the experience of the game for people who work the same way.

The speed difference is less than a second, does that matter?
It's not about the SPEED of the selection. It's about the moment of frustration that is felt every time I have to find the icon I want. Measuring the speed is just the only way I can easily validate that feeling into a measurable metric.

This is not an appeal to return the old icons. Those were dated, and the shilouettes of the new icons are aguably better than the old. This is an arugment for the new icons getting colour.

But I dont look for colour.
Accessability features are for everyone. And on the plus side, even if it doesnt benefit you on an Accessability level, it works on an aesthetic one!

Why do you shuffle the icons, that makes it harder?
This is an attempt to reduce bias from muscle memory. While ingame, yes, you will learn the icon layouts over time, for the sake of data collection and proving my theory, we're focusing on the benefits of this specific case.

NeoCom Simulator
